d20 Jungle Environments

For all its focus on random combat encounters, one thing Tomb of Annihilation doesn't have is a table of places that make engaging in random combat fun and interesting. So I made one. So once you roll your random encounter, instead of saying "you come across a convenient clearing" or "it's all rough terrain because you're in the jungle" you can just roll on here to give your battle some tactical considerations.

  1. A massive felled tree blocks your path, 50' long and 10' wide. It's so rotted out that you can walk through it like a tunnel. Walking on top of the log is also possible with a DEX save, breaking through and falling prone on failure.
  2. You come across a small waterfall, 15' high. You're on top of it and your enemies are below.
  3. You come across a small waterfall, 15' high. Your enemies are on top of it, and you are below.
  4. Thick vines drape from the canopy above, strong enough to support the weight of a swinging adventurer. Some of the vines are actually snakes.
  5. The trees above are lousy with widowmakers. Striking any trunk has a 50% chance of dropping heavy branches, requiring a DEX save from everyone below to avoid damage.
  6. This area is thoroughly trapped. Spiked logs on tripwires, leg snares, tiger pits. Neither PCs nor the enemies have prior knowledge of this.
  7. A wide clearing, 30' across and completely cleared of heavy foliage. PCs get here first and have a round to set up.
  8. A wide, long chasm stretches 10' across. PCs and enemies are on opposite sides. The chasm is so deep that the bottom can't be seen.
  9. Underbrush is too thick, so PCs are forced to climb a tree and hop from branch to branch to get across. What an awful time for a fight!
  10. Two words: rope bridge. Probably in an advanced state of disrepair, unless your world has someone who has taken it upon themselves to maintain suspension bridges in the deepest parts of the jungle. Mine doesn't.
  11. Attracted by the noise of battle, a pack of velociraptors shows up halfway through the fight and begin making quick strikes against wounded combatatants before rushing back behind the treeline. Parties may need to help each other to get out alive.
  12. It's an uphill battle--literally.Parties are seperated by a steep hill, PCs at the bottom. Costs 2x movement to climb the hill, and taking damage requires something like a concentration check or the PC begins rolling back down the hill.
  13. It's an uphill battle--literally.Parties are seperated by a steep hill, PCs at the top. Costs 2x movement to climb the hill, and taking damage requires something like a concentration check or the enemy begins rolling back down the hill.
  14. The canopy here is so thick that no light reaches the jungle floor. Torches or darkvision required to see anything.
  15. Fight occurs at the bank of a raging river. The sound is deafening; players can't speak to each other in- or out-of-character.
  16. Elephant graveyard. Big skulls, small skulls, some the size of your head. Easy to lose track of targets, lots of cover.
  17. PCs and enemies rush into battle only to find they're all standing in quicksand. In combat, a character can either move or tak an action, but not both or they begin to sink further into the mire. Parties may need to help each other to get out alive.
  18. A lightning strike causes a forest fire that gets out of control quickly. PCs and enemies will probably end up running for their lives; whether they keep fighting during or after this is up to them.
  19. Riverboat rumble. Raft v. Raft combat, loser gets dunked--then eaten by piranhas.